
Dr. André Schemaitat

Polars confusion

Abstract We explore how to use polars’ out of the box optimizations to make parallelized computations. An interesting example is the confusion of a classifier model and classical derived metrics like precision, recall or the f1-score. Note Polars is a blazingly fast DataFrame library implemented in Rust. It just had its 1.0 (actually 1.1) release and is a production ready tool with a stable an well designed api. Setup Let us first generate some dummy data, which consists of labels (y_true) and model scores (y_prob) with values in [0,1].

Hello, quarto.

Abstract Things you get A quick overview of how to integrate quarto with hugo. Prerequisites Basic Linux and bash knowledge. Introduction Writing scientific articles with reproducible code execution has been on my to-do list for quite some time. Recently, I came across Quarto, a tool that allows you to execute Python cells and save the output to markdown. This process, known as rendering, generates markdown files that can be used by Hugo to generate static HTML.

Reproducible development setup

Abstract Things you get A script that installs oh-my-zsh with customizable plugins and other useful tools like tmux and custom scripts. Prerequisites Basic Linux and bash knowledge. Git repository schemaitat/vscode-dev-container Introduction Originally, I wanted to have a reproducible vs code devcontainer, i.e. a docker container that looks similar to my local development setup. This task reduces to defining an installation script that installs things like oh-my-zsh (with plugins), packages like vim and tmux and aliases.

Kubernetes as a service & Argo CD

Abstract Things you get A running kubernetes cluster with any deployment (yaml, helm, kustomize) you want in less than 5 minutes. Easy tear down of the cluster (when you don’t need it) to save costs. Reproducibility and idempotency of the create and delete steps. Things you learn Setting up a kubernetes cluster with the Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE). Deploying software with Argo CD and the app of apps schema. Prerequisits

Kubernetes basics

introduction In this post, we will set up a Kubernetes cluster with Linode and deploy a dummpy webpage. If you want to learn more about Kubernetes, I can recommend the kubernetes 101 tutorial by  Jeff Geerling. kubectl The steps below are executed on macOS in zsh. For other operating systems have a look at https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/. First, check if kubectl is already installed. 1 2 3 4 5 if command kubectl &> /dev/null; then echo "kubectl already installed.