Hello, World !
As part of my new webpage I decided to start a blog about things I find interesting, that I recently learned and my old and still active passion, mathematics.
I will start off by giving an end-to-end tutorial on how to set up a webpage like this.
In the fury of trying to decentralize everything, I first did this whole setup in a small (three node) kubernetes cluster.
This method has surely its advantages:
- everyhing is yaml, hence easy to reproduce,
- during deployment no downtime due to k8s,
- load balancing is easy,
- fun to see all components interactig.
However, after a short time, I realized that it is much cheaper and probably as quick to set up a webpage like this in a single tiny linux box. Acutally this one runs on a Cent OS VM with 1 CPU and 1 GB memory.
In the next post, I will show you how to do this with a static website generator. The main ingredients are
- a tiny bit of linux hacking,
- nginx as webserver,
- cert-manager for TLS encryption,
- hugo as static website generator,
- jenkins as automation tool.
See you for the next post 😁